Warm-up First

Do the below workout

Cool-Down Last


  • 60 - 90 sec rest between Sets

  • 2 minute rest between Exercises

1. Bear Hug Squat 3 x 10 - 12

Grip your sandbag in a bear hug so it rests high on the chest. The placement of this sandbag makes this more of a front squat variation, but it does mean that you can complete the exercise without the need to have to press the bag overhead as well.

2. Floor Press 3 x 8 - 10

You can perform a sandbag bench press if you have access to a bench. Otherwise, the floor press is a great alternative. Start the exercise with the sandbag across my hips and then bridge to lift it up onto my chest. Take a firm grip of the sandbag from underneath, this way you’ll be able to maximize your range of motion if the bag begins to sag. 

3. Bendover Rows  3 x 8 - 10

The Sandbag Bent Over Row is a great way to build your upper body strength. It is a fantastic back and biceps workout that can be used well with your current routine or by itself. The Sandbag provides the added benefit of building grip and forearm strength  

4. Shoulder-to-Shoulder Press 3 x 8 - 10

The Shoulder-to-Shoulder press is one of the few sandbag lifts that can be done without too much adjustment.  Doing a full squat to reach around the bag to bear hug it to your chest, and then cleaning to your shoulder, you will then be a able to move the weight fairly comfortably to the other shoulder using a neutral grip.  

5. Power Cleans 3 x 8 - 10

The sandbag clean is a multi-muscle exercise that will stimulate the entire lower body as well as the core and even some of your upper body as well. It's considered to be a compound exercise, so is a great one for both building muscle strength as well as burning up calories quickly. 

6. Bicep Curls 3 x 6 - 8

Bicep curls neutral grip are an excellent way to work both arms at the same time you gain upper-body strength. Keep your wrist locked as you curl the bag in toward your shoulder, and resist any motion the bag is trying to create on your torso. Keep your chest up and abs tight locking your body into a good upright position. 

Keywords:  sandbag, squat, press, chest legs, beginner, basics, intermediate