No equipment is needed other than an optional exercise mat, but Warm-up and Cool-Down are not included
This routine is best done with a full set of kettlebells or an adjustable kettlebell; however you can use just one kettlebell for all the exercises though it will have to be light to not make it too hard for some of the more difficult exercises. For those of you that don't have access to even one kettlebell, let alone a full set, most of these exercises can easily be modified to use a dumbbell, or some other weighted object so don't skip this one just because you don't have any kettlebells.
Other than this routine being a fun way to challenge yourself to improve your endurance and strength, it is also a calorie burning powerhouse beating out even the average HIIT workout. This routine boasts a massive 24 calorie per minute on the high end and a 14 calorie per minute on the low end. This is most affected by the weight you are using but almost as important is your own individual level of effort you put into each exercise. This high calorie per minute burn gives a total of 432 to 252 calories burned in just 18 minutes. What is even better is that this style of routine also boasts a high afterburn effect, increasing the calories you burn over the course of the next 48 to 36 hours even when you are sleeping.
Keywords: Kettlebell, HIIT, Tabata, cardio, full body, advance