
  • In total, you'll do four days of 'cardio'/conditioning, performed on non-strength training days.  

  • You'll work out a total of six times in 1 week.

Every Workout

Pre & Post workout prep

Monday & Friday - Conditioning

Circuit 1 (Perform exercises back-to-back without rest)

  • split squat (body-weight only or with kettlebell) – 8 to 15 reps 
  • push-up - 3 to 5 reps

Repeat circuit 3 times

  • Rest 30 seconds

Circuit 2 (Perform exercises back-to-back without rest)

  • pull-ups: 8-10 OR Resistance Band Overhead Press: 12-15
  • squat jumps: 12-15 reps 

Repeat circuit 3 times

  • Rest 30 seconds

Circuit 3 - finisher (Perform exercises back-to-back without rest)

  • body-weight squat – 20 reps 
  • plank – 30 to 90 second hold 
  • body-weight (or kettlebell) Single-Leg Dead-lift: 8-10 reps each leg 
  • run in place – 60 seconds (high knees, arms pumping)

Repeat circuit 3 times

  • Rest 30 seconds

Tue & Thr - Strength 

Perform exercises as a circuit, but rest 30 to 90 seconds between each exercise

  • Kettlebell Single-Arm Press - 5-8 reps (each arm)
  • Kettlebell Goblet Squat - 5-8 reps 
  • Assisted Pull-up or Kettlebell Push-up with Row - 5-8 reps or Plank shoulder taps (8-10 each shoulder)

Repeat circuit 10 times

Long-slow-distance ‘recovery’ cardio

  • Easy heart rate, ~ 30 mins., something you enjoy

Wed  - Conditioning & 'Cardio’ 

(High Intensity Interval Training - HIIT)

For both interval days, you'll start with a five minute warm-up at an easy intensity.  Then you'll rotate between two different interval workouts on alternating days

Interval workout 1 - no rest between exercises

  • :60 @ high intensity (Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive)
  • :60 @ low intensity (Jumping Jacks)

5 rounds total, resting 60 secs between circuit.

Interval workout 2  - no rest between exercises

  • :30 @ high intensity (Mountain Climbers or Mountain Climber to Single Leg Push-Up) 
  • :30 at low intensity (Jumping Jacks)

10 rounds total, resting 60 secs between circuit.

Keywords:  TABATA, HIIT, Full Body, Cardio, Intermediate, Advance

Exercise Descriptions


Lay flat and lift the hips along with the stomach and chest off of the floor – you’ll end up in a Push Up – type body position, but you’ll be resting on your forearms. Remember, your abs should be braced like you’re bracing for a punch in the stomach, your upper and lower body should be ‘tight’, and you should be able to breathe normally at the same time.

Push Up

The basic version of the Push-Up is performed from the toes. Starting from the ground, the body is nice and straight, our chest, hip and thighs all should be in the same plane. Our shoulders are pushed down and back, our abs are engaged, and our glutes squeezed.

Pull Up/Body Row

The Pull-Up is your basic upper body pull. You can perform this exercise with your palms facing away or palms facing towards you. Start with arms fully extended; drive the elbows towards the ground, lead with the chest, and keep the shoulders down and back through the top of the movement.


To perform the Squat, start with your feet between hip and shoulder width apart, and your toes pointed straight ahead or slightly out. Weight is backthrough the heels, chest is tall, and shoulder blades are pushed down and back.  Sit back as if you’re sitting on a chair. The lower legs should stay completely vertical.  Imagine that you are stuck in cement up to your knees.

Hold a weight in front of you if you’d like (as I am in the photos below) to increase the difficulty of the exercise. 

  • You could use a weight plate, a kettlebell, even a bag of dog food or potting soil – just something to add difficulty to the exercise.

Split Squat

The easiest way to learn this exercise is by doing it in place without moving the feet. You  can then progress to alternating feet, and then a walking lunge. To perform the Lunge, take a giant step out, weight should still be through the heel, and the knee should be tracking over the toe. Make sure the knee doesn’t come out over the toe. The lower leg position is very similar to that of a Squat.

KB/DB Press

Start this exercise with either a barbell, two dumbbells, or two kettlebells at shoulder height. In a true Military Press, the heels are together, legs are straight, abs are engaged, glutes are tight and shoulders are pushed down and back. Push the weight straight up over your head so that you finish with your arms directly by your ears at the top.

Squat Jump (not pictured)

This exercise is just like a body weight squat – you'll just add a jump!

SLDL (Single-leg Dead-lift)

The mechanics of a SLDL are just like a regular deadlift – the exercise is simply performed on one leg.

  • Begin the exercise by balancing on one leg.  Keeping the back flat, the shoulders locked back and the abs braced, descend into a deadlift position. Think about leading with the back leg.  Pause for a moment at the bottom of the move and then squeeze the glute of the down leg to return to the starting position of the exercise.

Keywords:  kettlebell, TABATA, HIIT, full body, cardio, intermediate, advance