How it compares to regular yogurt 

 Jar of Greek Yogurt and Berries

1. It’s Higher in Protein

  • Greek yogurt contains 9 grams of protein per 3.5 ounces (100 grams), which is three times the amount found in the same amount of regular yogurt (1, 2).
  • Eating enough protein has been linked to many health benefits, including improved body composition, increased metabolic rate and reduced hunger (3, 4, 5, 6).
  • In fact, including a source of protein at meals and snacks has been shown to help you feel fuller for longer, which could help you eat fewer calories (7, 8, 9).
  • This means that Greek yogurt could be beneficial for people who want to eat more protein, especially if they are trying to lose weight.

2. It’s Lower in Carbs

  • Greek yogurt is made by removing the whey, which contains some lactose, or milk sugar.
  • Therefore, gram for gram, it’s lower in carbs.
  • This can be useful for people who are trying to limit their lactose consumption or follow a lower-carb diet.
  • However, if you are trying to eat less sugar, be aware that some flavored Greek yogurts can contain added sugar.

3. It’s Good for Your Gut and Your Health

  • Like regular yogurt, Greek yogurt can contain good bacteria that may benefit your health, particularly your digestive health (10, 11).
  • These good bacteria are also known as probiotics, and they work by changing the balance of bacteria in your gut (12).
  • A better balance of gut bacteria has been linked to improved digestion, enhanced immune function and a reduced risk of many diseases, including obesity (13).
  • To verify that your Greek yogurt contains probiotics, make sure the label says “contains live and active cultures.”

4. It’s a Source of Vitamin B12

  • Like regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is a source of vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that you need to get from your diet.
  • It’s involved in many important functions in your body, including red blood cell production and the proper function of your nervous system and brain (14).
  • Dairy products like yogurt can be an important source of vitamin B12, especially for vegetarians, who eat dairy (15).

5. It Contains Less Lactose

  • Lactose is the main sugar found in milk. Some people have a condition called lactose intolerance, which is characterized by the inability to digest lactose well.
  • Most people with this problem can tolerate small amounts of lactose in their diet.
  • However, eating too much lactose can result in unpleasant digestive symptoms, such as bloating, gas and pain.
  • Given that the process of making Greek yogurt may remove most of its lactose-containing whey, it can be a better choice for people with lactose intolerance.

Summary: Greek yogurt is high in protein and vitamin B12, yet low in sugar and lactose. It may also promote a healthy digestive system.