Here are a few suggestions for body part basics, and if you are unsure of any of the exercises, please contact your Wellness Coach.
- Chest - Bench Press, Vertical Chest / Pec Dec, Decline Press, Dumbbell Fly, Push Ups
- Back - Pull Downs, Pull ups, Seated Row, One Arm Dumbbell Row, Pullovers
- Legs -Squats, Lunges, Leg Extensions, Leg Curl, Calf Raise
- Hips – Hip Adduction, Hip Abduction, Hip Extension
- Shoulders - Overhead Press, Lateral Raise, Front Raise, Shrugs, Reverse Fly
- Biceps - Hammer Curls, Dumbbell Curls, Straight Bar Curls, Concentrated Curls
- Triceps - Kickbacks, Press Downs, Dips, Overhead Extensions
- Abs - Basic Crunch, Reverse Crunch, Knee Ups, Alt elbows to knees
- Lower Back - Extensions, Supermans
Weight Training Guidelines:
- Frequency: 2 -3 x/week
- Intensity: until fatigued
- Time: 8 - 10 exercises for the major muscle groups (min. 1 set with 15 reps, max. 4 sets with 10 reps)
- Type: Static movement of your large muscle groups for a short period of time.
Weight training exercises will help you sculpt and reshape specific areas while you are losing weight. Overall fitness is the key to overall health and fat-muscle weight management (click HERE to view 20 reasons why people struggle to either lose weight, or prevent weight gain).