One of the hardest things about exercising is sticking with it. And, let's face it, a walk here, a bike ride there and an aerobics class every now and again isn't the stuff good, strong bodies are made of. But, if you can keep up your motivation for a couple of weeks, it will become a habit -- and you'll really see and feel results.
Here are the Top 10 Tips to make fitness as natural as waking in the morning and falling asleep at night, and are the benefits of being involved in a Wellness program.
- BELIEVE – You may have heard this before, but it is worth reiterating, “Whatever you believe you are right”. Believe that you can achieve, adopt an “I can do it attitude”. This is one area of your life that the results are guaranteed – especially if you believe it. If you put something into an activity program, you are expending calories and you will improve, see and feel results. Believe you can follow a plan and believe you deserve to take the time for yourself.
- JOURNAL – Tracking your progress can help you stay focused. Write down not only what exercises you did, but also how you are feeling and what small changes you are noticing in your everyday life like not being short of breath, lifting something with ease or having less pain.
- USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM – Exercise with a friend or spouse. Your chances of sticking with your program double when you have a partner. Find someone who is reliable and at the same fitness level – or a little higher. You will be pleasantly surprised at how supporting each other will inspire you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible. And if you have a dog, they count as exercise buddies too! And they never cancel but rather are eager to participate!
- HAVE A PLAN – Know what days, times and activities, you will be performing at least one week in advance - one month would be better. Have the proper clothing and equipment. Do not let any obstacles interfere with your plan. Write your exercise sessions in your appointment book weeks ahead of time. Commit to your plan and remind yourself that you deserve to take the time for you.
- SET GOALS – This is a powerful tool. You must know your mission. When sitting down to write out your exercise goals, they must be specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and have a deadline. Write them in a positive phrase. For example, I will walk on my lunch break three days a week throughout the spring and I will perform my Yoga tape on Sunday mornings for the next six weeks. Maybe your goal is to complete a walkathon for your favorite cause like breast cancer or to learn to roller blade. Remind yourself often what your reasons are for doing exercise and how it fits into the bigger picture of your life.
- CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS – Have rewards ready when you reach milestones. For example, when you can walk two miles on the treadmill treat yourself to a massage. Make the rewards something you truly enjoy (excluding overindulging in unhealthy foods –you’ll be surprised how unrewarding it truly is). Some ideas include a session with a personal trainer, a new exercise video, new running sneakers, an aromatherapy session, etc.
- REWARD YOURSELF AFTER REACHING A GOAL –If you do some activity every day, this will keep you from falling off the wagon. Remember that two 10-minute bouts of exercise are as good as one 20-minute session. Activities like gardening and walking the dog add up too.
- GET MORE REST – Sleep is just as important to your health as proper nutrition and exercise. If you are rested, you will have more energy during the day and you won’t be too tired when it comes time to exercise. You will wake up refreshed and energetic.
- VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE – Keep changing your program – often. You are less likely to get bored and more likely to look forward to exercising if it includes something new and exciting.
- HAVE FUN – Choose activities that you enjoy. Try something new that you never pictured yourself doing – you might be pleasantly surprised. Use fun music, get a group to join you, take a dance class. Try to remember what you enjoyed as a child and get creative. Don’t be the one sitting on the sidelines while everyone else is skiing, playing volleyball, and rollerblading. Wouldn’t it be great to say you tried it?
Remember, it’s the things that you don’t do that you regret – not the things that you do do.
- Don’t punish yourself if you miss a session or two or three – we all get off track at some point – despite our best efforts.
Today is a new day and there is no time like the present to get moving!