Resistance bands provide a different type of burn, so don’t let the light weight fool you. If you want to increase the resistance on certain workouts, widen your stance. To decrease the resistance without jumping down a full band, use one foot and center it. Always bend slightly at the knees and keep your core tight. It is also important that you control your motion when moving down. 

Instead of letting gravity bring you down, perform a nice, controlled movement, allowing full control of the band. That will make all the difference! For best results, do this workout at least 3x a week.

  1. Do a Warm-up First:  MENWOMEN
  2. Do the below workout
  3. Finish with a Cool-Down:  MEN, WOMEN


Beginner’s Level: 2 rounds with a 20 sec rest between each exercise

  • Reps:  8-10
  • 45 sec rest between each Circuit

Intermediate Level: 3 rounds with a 20 sec rest between each exercise

  • Reps:  10-12
  • 40 sec rest between each Circuit

Advanced Level: 4-5 rounds with a 10 sec rest between each exercise

  • Reps:  12-15
  • 35 sec rest between each Circuit

Intermediate & Advance:  Add the following exercises

1. Push-up 
Chest Press 

1. Incline Chest Press (Left leg forward)

1b. Incline Chest Press (Right leg forward)
Chest Fly 
Squat to Overhead Press 
Reverse Fly
Bent Over Rows 

Keywords:  Bands, full body, cardio, endurance, intermediate, basic, beginner, advance