No rest between each rep, 10 to 30 sec rest between each exercise, 30 to 60 sec rest between each circuit
Pre and Post workout Routines you need to do first, and when you are done.
- Beginners: 30 sec rest between exercises, 60 sec rest between each circuit
- Intermediate: 20 sec rest between exercises, 40 sec rest between each circuit
- Advance: 10 sec rest between exercises, 30 sec rest between each circuit
CIRCUIT 1 (2-3 cycles)
Single Leg Squats with Chair
Reps: 15 (each leg)
Single Leg Squats with Chair Starting Position Stand behind chair; hold back of chair for balance. Lift right leg off ground, keeping left leg slighly bent. Action INHALE: Bend left leg to squat. Hold for 1-3 counts. EXHALE: Straighten leg and return to start. Complete all reps and switch legs. Special Instructions Don't let knee of squatting leg go past toes. Keep upper body straight and avoid leaning forward as you squat down. |
Lateral Lunges
Reps: 15 (each leg)
Lateral Lunges Starting Position Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. Action INHALE: Step out to the right and shift your body weight over your right leg, squatting to a 90 degree angle at the right knee. Try to sit down with your butt, keeping your back as upright as possible. EXHALE: Push off and bring your right leg back to center to complete one rep. Finish all reps on this side, and repeat on left side to complete one set. Special Instructions Keep your weight on your heels and make sure your knees don't go over the plane of your toes. Hold your arms out in front of you to help with balance. |
Reps: 15
Modified Pushups (beginner), Regular (intermediate & advance) Starting Position Begin by getting down on yours hands and knees with your hands just outside shoulder width and slightly forward of your shoulders. Your knees should be directly aligned with your hips. Keep your abdomen tight and your spine in a neutral position. Action INHALE: Bend your elbows and lower chest to 90 degrees at the elbows. EXHALE: Push up so that your arms are straight, making sure your elbows aren’t completely locked. Try doing 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Special Instructions If you can’t go to 90 degrees at the elbow, just go to a comfortable position until you can work up to 90 degrees. |
Lying Triceps Lifts
Reps: 15
Lying Triceps Lifts Starting Position Begin lying face down on a mat, arms at your sides, palms facing the ceiling. Make sure your neck is in a neutral position. Action EXHALE: Keeping body stationary and arms straight (but not locked) lift the palms up toward the ceiling as high as comfortably possible. Hold for 2-3 counts. INHALE: Lower to starting position to complete one rep. Special Instructions Make sure your arms stay in line with the shoulder. Make it harder: Hold and/or do small pulses in the highest position; Don't let the arms rest or touch the floor in between reps. |
CIRCUIT 2 (2-3 cycles)
Modified Plank
Reps: 1 min
Modified Plank Starting Position Begin this exercise by lying on your stomach with your forearms on the floor pointing straight forward, your feet together and your spine in a neutral position. Your feet should be touching or no more than an inch apart. Action Lift your body up on your forearms and toes, keeping your body as straight as possible. Maintain this position for as long as possible and challenge yourself to longer periods in the plank position. Try to hold the position for 60 seconds in the beginning, working your way up in 30 second jumps until you can hold the position for 3 minutes or longer. Special Instructions Don’t let your hips/knees drop, your butt raise, or shift weight to one forearm. |
Reps: 30 sec @ 2-3 sets
Superman Starting Position Lie facedown on the floor, legs together and straight, arms straight and extended above your head. Keep your head/neck in a neutral position. Action Keeping limbs straight (but not locked) and torso stationary, simultaneously lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling to form a gentle curve with your body. Hold for a slow 30 counts. Special Instructions Don't hold your breath! Try to keep breathing steady and even. Make it easier: Hold for fewer counts and don't raise legs/arms quite as high. Change it up: Lower to the ground to complete one rep and do a 2-3 sets. |
Lying Double Leg Raises
Reps: 15 (each leg)
Lying Double Leg Raises Starting Position Lie on left side, legs straight, knees together, resting head on left hand or extended arm. Place right hand flat on the ground in front of you for balance. Action EXHALE: Keeping legs squeezed together, lift both legs simultaneously up into the air. Hold for 1-2 counts here. Be sure that feet are flexed and toes point forward. INHALE: Lower to start without letting bottom leg touch ground to rest to complete one rep. Switch sides and repeat to complete one set. Special Instructions This is a very small movement- you should only be lifting legs a few inches off the ground. Make it harder: Try holding in highest position for 30+ seconds instead of (or in addition to) doing repetitions. Muscles Worked: Inner thigh, Outer thigh, Hips, Obliques |
Modified Side Plank
Reps: 30 sec @ 2-3 sets (each side)
Modified Side Plank Starting Position Lie on left side, legs together, feet stacked. Wrap right arm around waist. Keep head and neck aligned with spine. Action Prop upper body on bent left forearm (be sure elbow is directly below shoulder). Press hips toward ceiling, using abs to stabilize torso. Hold for 30 seconds and work up to 1-3 minutes. Special Instructions Be sure not to hold breath. Exercise will be easier if feet are staggered instead of stacked. |
Crunches with Twist
Reps: 15 (each side)
Crunches with Twist Starting Position Lie on the floor or a mat on your back, with knees bent and hands behind head. Feet should be flat on the ground. Keep a space between your chin and chest (looking diagonal towards the ceiling). Action EXHALE: As you lift up, rotate upper body toward one side, then rotate back to center. INHALE: Lower your back to the floor. Alternate sides. Special Instructions Don't use your hands and arms to help lift you up - use abdominals and hips. |
Keywords: bodyweight, beginner, intermediate