What are Static Stretches

Static stretching exercises are those stretches that you are told to hold for so many seconds and do so many times a day. When you think of stretching, it is usually this type of stretching that immediately comes to mind.

To perform this type of stretching exercise one must elongate the muscles as tolerated and that position is then held for a particular length of time. The time a stretch is held is determined by your age, pre existing conditions, activity level, and any injuries. 

  • For more information on how long to hold a static stretch click here.

In most cases it is a safe way to elongate soft tissues for those just beginning an exercise program and sedentary individuals.

What are the Benefits?

  • Static stretching has shown, through research, to improve flexibility and joint range of motion.
  • This mode of stretching prevents the soft tissues from absorbing high amounts of energy over a short period of time as does ballistic stretching.
  • This slow form of stretching will not facilitate a strong relfex response and so helps in relaxation.
  • This form of stretching can alleviate muscle soreness.
  • Stretching in a static manner is thought to be the safest way to stretch.
  • Stretching statically can be done individually, unlike PNF or assisted stretching and no special knowledge or handling is required.

Keywords:  fitness, health