Finding time is the number one reason people give not to exercise.  Remember that we all have the same 24 hours and by adding activity to your life you can be adding years of productive time to your lifestyle.  Here are a few suggestions.  

  • Multi-task so that you can exercise while watching TV, catching up on magazines, reading professional literature, playing with the kids, meeting with a friend or associate, etc.  
  • You can also pick up the pace at the grocery store, during housekeeping, running errands, etc.  
  • Try turning time wasters into time savers by contracting muscle groups while standing in line or driving, stretch at your desk, go for a walk when waiting to pick up the kids & in between chauffeuring, use coffee breaks to go for a stroll.  

Three 10-minute intervals are just as good as one 30-minute session.

You can also look at where you can make time for exercise.  For example, schedule activity in your appointment book 1 month in advance and keep that commitment the same way you would any other meeting.  Cook on Sunday night for the week - this way you can head to the gym after work and still come home to a healthy, home-cooked meal. 

  • Workout at lunch and then eat at your desk.  Inform your employer of your goals and ask for some flexibility in your schedule, i.e., come in later, have a longer lunch or leave earlier.  

Finally, set your alarm/watch/palm pilot to go off when it’s time to exercise.

  • Make exercise a lifestyle.  Take the stairs – even if you work on the 17th floor – it’ll get easier.  
  • Park your car in the last spot – look at all of the time you’ll save circling the lot!  
  • Choose activities that are fun – maybe something you enjoyed as a child. 

Always be dressed to move.  You never know when the opportunity will arise to go for a walk or hit the gym.  

  • Keep your sneakers in your car at all times.  
  • Even look for ways to be more active on vacation.  
  • Join a group that exercises, dances, walks, bicycles or hikes.  
  • Play with the kids instead of watching – jump in and go sledding, rollerblade, bike ride, jump in the leaves. 

Set your self up for success by getting up 30 minutes earlier – then you don’t have to make excuses for the rest of the day.  Exercise with a partner and remember that sex counts too.

Your express workout routine - work upper and lower body at the same time.  Combine mind and body exercises to get double the benefit.  

  • Try interval training, use 30 minute exercise videos or increase your intensity and you can decrease your time.