1. Warm-up

  2. Do the below Workout

  3. Cool-down


Complete all the prescribed sets for one exercise before moving on to the next.

1. Curl
Sets: 4 Reps: 15, 12, 8, 8 Rest: 60 sec after each set
Stand holding a dumbbell Opens in New Windowin each hand with palms facing your sides. Keep your weight on your heels and lean forward slightly. Without letting your upper arms drift forward, curl the weights, rotating your wrists outward so that your palms face you in the top position Hold the top for a moment and squeeze your biceps. Lower the weights back down and flex your triceps hard in the bottom position (your arms should end up slightly behind your body). Increase the weight gradually each set.

2. Drag Curl
Sets: 4 Reps: 12–15 Rest: 60 sec after each set
Perform as you would the conventional dumbbell curl, but stand tall and drive your elbows back as you curl so the head of each dumbbell touches the front of your body throughout the rep. (Keep your palms facing up the whole time.) It should look as though you’re dragging the weights up along your torso.

3. Hammer Curl
Sets: 4 Reps: 15–20 Rest: 60 sec after each set
Perform as you did the conventional dumbbell curl but keep your palms facing your sides throughout.

4. Cheat Curl
Sets: 3 Reps: 8-10 Rest: 60 sec after each set
Choose the heaviest dumbbells you think you can curl, and perform as you did the conventional dumbbell curl, but use momentum from your hips to power through the sticking point (halfway up, when the weights are most difficult to lift). Do not lean back as you lift, but get into a rhythm where you rock your torso forward and then extend your hips to complete each rep. Stop each set one rep shy of total failure.

Keywords:  biceps, curls